Sunday, December 27, 2009

It was a Merry Christmas 2009!

It would not be Christmas Eve without the Black Family Christmas photo at 10:30pm!  Ha!  It is amazing little Addie Grace was still awake, but I really think she had the most energy of all of us!  Pictured from top left: Skip & Jan (Wayne's dad's sister; Barrett's mom); Sara (Wayne's little sister who was very sick); Doug (Wayne's dad's baby brother); Susan (Wayne's dad's youngest sister) & Rob (they live down the road from Wayne's parents & go to church with us); middle row: Mitch & Dean (Wayne's parents); Memaw (Wayne's grandmother) & Hilton (her adorable husband); front row: Iris (the yellow lab that you barely see; she belongs to Jan); Swayzee (Sara's yellow lab & Neeli's sister); Amy, Barrett (Wayne's first cousin) & their beautiful little girl, Addie Grace (she is the first great grandchild); and us!

Our annual Christmas photo in front on the fireplace!  Wayne is in his traditional red sweater that he has worn for the past ___  years!  And I am wearing the only thing that fits!  Ha!  Neeli (and her sister, Swayzee) sported matching jester collars.  Nova did not like her red scarf or new Santa hat!

Wayne & I have a family tradition of wearing new Christmas P.J.'s each Christmas Eve night.  Seeing this pic makes me happy - and glad that I thought ahead and got a maternity top!  And this year we started a new tradition of spending the night at Wayne's parents - it was so nice to wake up & head downstairs for Santa and homemade cinnamon rolls! 


Jason and Leigha said...

I love seeing that little baby bump! :) I am so glad that you had a Merry Christmas! :)

Anonymous said...

Sally! You look so cute! :D

Lydia said...

You look great, Sally!! :)